Easter Cards

This spring themed card is an example of a stock card- printed by a publisher and featured in catalogs for educators for use a reward or recognition cards, or businesses for trade cards with an imprinted back. 

Postcards were often produced in series – this example shows a young mother enjoying an afternoon in the park. Since scrapbooks were the province of women and girls, cards featuring fashionable dress were popular. 

Here we see another postcard in the series, different dresses on mother an daughter and this card has been customized as an Easter Greeting.

The third in this springtime in the park series, depicting a genteel pastime that was acceptable for refined young ladies, a painting “en plein air”, again customized to have a holiday sentiment.

Easter cards were almost as popular as Christmas cards during Victorian times, but, surprisingly they were rarely religious. Here we see our same mother and daughter relaxing in a hammock. 

Another sweet Easter postcard, this with the iconic baby chicks along with a high fashion Easter Bonnet. 







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